Episode 25: From the Shadows to the Spotlight with Joe Gray

In this episode of the On Adventure Podcast, I sit down with Joe Gray, an exceptional athlete who turned challenges into triumphs. Joe shares his journey from growing up in Nashville, Tennessee, and attending the Tennessee School for the Blind to becoming a world-class athlete. With the support of dedicated mentors and his unwavering determination, Joe excelled in wrestling and track and field, eventually competing at the Paralympics. His story is a powerful testament to resilience, mentorship, and the pursuit of dreams.

Timeline Summary:

  • [00:00] – Introduction to Joe Gray and his inspiring journey.
  • [00:01] – Joe’s early life in Nashville and attending the Tennessee School for the Blind.
  • [00:04] – Coping with visual impairment and developing an adventurous spirit.
  • [00:10] – Transition to high school sports and excelling in wrestling and track.
  • [00:16] – Competing in the Youth World Championships and facing international competition.
  • [00:25] – Setting a world record in the 4x100m relay and the realization of his potential.
  • [00:32] – Challenges of training and maintaining top performance while seeking sponsorships.
  • [00:39] – Transitioning from athlete to coach and starting Sight School with Lex Gillette.
  • [00:52] – Organizing ski trips for visually impaired students and the impact on their lives.

Links & Resources:

Closing Remark:

If you enjoyed this episode, please rate, follow, and review the On Adventure Podcast. Share it with friends and family who might find Joe’s story as inspiring as we did. Join us next time for more incredible journeys and motivational tales!

Check out this episode!

Episode 24: Stories Rather Than Regrets with Pete Ripmaster

Welcome back to the On Adventure podcast! In today’s episode, we have an inspiring and candid conversation with Pete Ripmaster. Pete, now a seasoned ultra-endurance athlete, shares his journey from the highs and lows of his athletic pursuits to his personal battles and triumphs. In fact, it all started with a Couch-to-Marathon run, and he kept going from there!  We delve into his history, including the incredible feat of winning the 1,000-mile Iditarod Trail Invitational on foot (in February!), his adventures in Alaska, and the lessons learned from pushing beyond the limits. Pete’s story is a testament to resilience, passion, and the relentless pursuit of one’s dreams.

Pete’s philosophy of “stories rather than regrets” is evident in his approach to ultra-running. Whether he’s tackling organized races or his unique “homemade 100’s,” Pete’s willingness to suffer and push through mental and physical barriers is key to his success. His adventures showcase the power of perseverance and the rewards of stepping outside your comfort zone.

Join us as we explore:

  • Pete’s early life and the pivotal moments that shaped his path
  • The transition from the couch to a marathoner to an ultra-endurance runner
  • The mental and physical challenges of running the Iditarod Trail Invitational
  • Pete’s “homemade 100’s” and what drives him to create his own ultra-endurance challenges
  • Insights into the world of ultra-running and the community around it
  • Pete’s future aspirations and what drives him to keep pushing forward

This episode is packed with raw and heartfelt reflections that will leave you inspired to tackle your own adventures. Don’t miss out on this incredible journey with Pete Ripmaster!

Episode Highlights:

[00:00] Introduction to Pete Ripmaster and the essence of today’s episode

[02:28] Pete’s background and his self-identity as a runner, husband, and father

[10:00] Reflections on Pete’s childhood and the significant impact of his family

[18:00] The pivotal moment and the transition from a wild lifestyle to purposeful living

[24:05] Pete’s first impromptu marathon and the beginning of his running journey

[32:00] The decision to run 50 marathons in 50 states and raise funds for breast cancer research

[38:00] Delving into ultra-running: from 50K to 1,000 miles

[46:00] The challenges and triumphs of the Iditarod Trail Invitational

[53:00] Pete’s “homemade 100’s” and his drive to create unique endurance challenges

[57:00] The mental game in ultra-endurance sports and pushing through limits

[01:03:00] What’s next for Pete after ultra-running

Links & Resources:

Thank you for tuning into this episode with Pete Ripmaster! If you enjoyed our conversation, please rate, follow, share, and review the podcast. Your support helps us bring more inspiring stories to light. Keep pursuing your great adventures, and we’ll catch you in the next episode!

Check out this episode!

Episode 23: Endurance Unleashed: From UltraMan to Personal Revelations with Van Fletcher

Welcome back to another episode of the On Adventure Podcast, where I dive deep into the extraordinary tales of endurance and personal growth, probing why everyday explorers continue to push their own limits. In this episode, I reconnect with Van Fletcher, a dad, a real estate professional, and, oh yeah, a world class triathlete AND an ultraman competitor.

Van’s story isn’t just about physical endurance; it’s a profound journey of resilience, community, and self-discovery.  This episode is a testament to the human spirit’s capacity to endure and thrive, no matter the challenge. Van Fletcher’s journey is sure to inspire not just athletes but anyone looking to overcome their personal barriers.

Episode Highlights:

  • [00:00] Welcome: I introduce Van Fletcher, my first repeat guest, discussing his recent adventures and astounding achievements in the Ultraman Florida—a race that pushes human limits with its extreme distances.
  • [10:12] Trials and Triumphs: Van shares his rigorous experiences and the emotional rollercoaster of participating in high-endurance races, including Ironman events and the mental strategies needed to overcome unexpected obstacles.
  • [22:00] Community and Support: The critical role of community in endurance sports. Van emphasizes how his crew’s support and camaraderie were pivotal in his successes and overcoming the daunting challenges of Ultraman.
  • [35:00] Physical and Mental Resilience: Insights into Van’s training regimen and how overcoming injuries and personal setbacks have shaped his approach to racing and life.
  • [45:00] Beyond the Finish Line: Van discusses the broader impact of his racing career on personal growth and his future aspirations in the world of endurance sports.

Links & Resources:

Closing Thoughts: If today’s journey through extreme endurance and personal triumphs inspired you, remember to rate, follow, and share the podcast. Your support helps us bring more such inspiring stories. Until next time, keep pushing your limits and exploring your own great adventure!


Check out this episode!