How to Live Like a Local…in London

London, England is a city brimming with history, culture, and adventure. For those planning to make the most of their time in any vibrant metropolis, it’s essential to live like a local. This approach not only provides a richer experience but can also be more cost-effective, a key consideration for any Everyday Explorer traveling to a new place. Here’s a guide to help you navigate London with a spirit of adventure and a savvy financial mindset.

Embrace Public Transportation

London’s public transportation system is extensive and efficient. Locals rely heavily on the Tube (London Underground), buses, and trains to get around. Purchase an Oyster card or use contactless payment for seamless travel across the city. Not only will this save you money compared to taxis or ride-sharing services, but it also immerses you in the daily rhythm of London life.  If you’d rather get from point to point a little more quickly, using the famous Black Cabs will do it for you.  You can definitely spend a small fortune getting around the city, but it’s fast and pretty fun if you get a good driver.

Discover Hidden Gems

While iconic landmarks like the Tower of London and Buckingham Palace are must-sees, living like a local means seeking out hidden gems. Explore neighborhoods like Shoreditch, known for its street art and eclectic vibe, or Hampstead Heath, a vast green space offering panoramic views of the city. For a unique experience, visit the Leighton House Museum in Kensington, an opulent Victorian home filled with art and history.  As soccer fans (sorry, futbol), we had to visit a stadium and so we picked Stamford Bridge to see the home of Chelsea Futbol Club.  We are now big fans!

Shop at Local Markets

Londoners love their markets, and these bustling hubs are perfect for immersing yourself in local culture. Borough Market, near London Bridge, offers a feast of fresh produce, artisanal foods, and culinary delights. For vintage finds and quirky treasures, head to Portobello Road Market in Notting Hill. Covent Market was one we visited and loved the shops, food and live music…an amazing vibe.  Shopping at markets not only supports local vendors but also provides a more authentic and budget-friendly shopping experience.  And for some extra flare, visit in December so you can experience the amazing Christmas markets.

Enjoy the Outdoors

Despite its urban nature, London boasts an array of parks and outdoor spaces. Hyde Park, Regent’s Park, and Richmond Park are just a few of the green havens where locals unwind. Rent a bike through Santander Cycles and explore these parks on two wheels. For a more adventurous outing, take a walk along the Thames Path or venture to the outskirts of the city for a hike in the Epping Forest.

Eat Like a Londoner

Dining out in London can be expensive, but locals know where to find great food without breaking the bank. Visit neighborhood pubs for traditional British fare like fish and chips or a hearty Sunday roast. Discover the city’s diverse culinary scene by exploring food halls such as Mercato Metropolitano in Elephant and Castle or Boxpark in Shoreditch, where you can sample dishes from around the world.  We found ourselves in a pub (especially for the World Cup final which was absolutely electric!) almost every day in the city, but the fav…and evening dinner at the Sky Garden overlooking the entire London Skyline.  Make your reservation well in advance. 

Take Advantage of Free Attractions

London is home to numerous world-class museums and galleries, many of which offer free entry. Spend an afternoon at the British Museum, the National Gallery, or the Tate Modern.   For an even more immersive experience, hire a guide to take you through for a few hours.  It will change the entire experience!  Wander through the charming streets of Covent Garden (again, great at Christmas time) or take in the lively atmosphere of Southbank, all without spending a penny. These free attractions provide cultural enrichment and entertainment, making them perfect for the budget-conscious traveler.

Live Like a Local, Plan Like a Pro

Living like a local in London involves more than just seeing the sights—it’s about immersing yourself in the city’s culture and lifestyle. As financial planners, we understand the importance of balancing adventure with financial prudence. By embracing local habits, seeking out hidden gems, and making the most of free attractions, you can enjoy an enriching and cost-effective stay in London.

Financial Tips for the Adventurous Traveler
  • Budget Wisely: Allocate funds for daily expenses and stick to your budget. Use apps to track spending and find deals.  Check in on your progress each day.
  • Local Banking: Consider opening a local bank account if staying for an extended period. This can save on foreign transaction fees.  I haven’t done this personally so do your research.
  • Public Transport: Utilize weekly or monthly travel cards for the best rates on public transportation.
  • Cultural Memberships: Some museums and attractions offer memberships that provide free or discounted entry.

By following these tips, you can experience the best of London. Living like a local not only enriches your travel experience but also ensures you make the most of your adventures in this incredible city.

Simplify for a Better Return on Life

“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication,” proclaimed an Apple Computer marketing brochure back in 1977. In the ensuing decades, Steve Jobs’ commitment to this ideal resulted in technology products that were as beautiful as they were easy use, and in Apple becoming one of the most valuable companies in the world.

The clutter we accumulate in our lives often prevents us from fully experiencing the adventure and freedom that life offers. At some point, our possessions can become chains, anchoring us and stifling our spirit of adventure. Think about how paring down to the essentials in these four areas could improve your Return on Life (ROL) and fuel your adventurous spirit.

1. Simplify your space.

Imagine your home as a base camp for your next adventure. Surrounding yourself with too much stuff can weigh you down and inhibit your readiness for new experiences.  Surrounding yourself with too much stuff can also have serious effects on your mental and physical health, including stress, depression, lack of focus, and higher risks of household injuries. Cleaning can have the opposite effects, filling you with positive feelings as you open up more physical space for yourself. As you organize things you want to keep and let go of those you don’t, you might feel nostalgia and gratitude for people and experiences that have enriched your life. And giving away items you’ve outgrown will make you feel good about helping someone else as you also make room for the exciting things that will be coming next.  I consider myself pretty simple and not materialistic, but every time I go to do a clean out, I realize just how much I like my stuff.  It is one thing to decide to simplify, but it is much harder work to actually do it.  Just remember that simplifying is not just about reducing; it’s about making space for what truly ignites your passion.

2. Simplify your schedule.

 Your calendar should be a roadmap to adventure, not a to-do list that leaves no room for spontaneity.  Despite your many personal and professional responsibilities, you probably have more control over your days than you realize. With a little forethought, it’s usually possible to make time for exercise, reading, or a quiet cup of coffee, especially if you incorporate some of these activities into your morning or bedtime routine. But if you really can’t find time for a run or a dinner date with your spouse for the ‘big rocks’ in your life, you might need to take a hard look at your whole schedule and reassess your priorities. Are you staying up too late and sleeping in longer than you should? Are you taking more meetings at work than you really need to?  If your schedule is constantly packed and stuck in the fast lane, there will never be space to chase your own great adventure.  Simplifying your schedule can open up opportunities to chase new experiences and explore uncharted territories, both literally and metaphorically.  As you probably know by now, I think having this pursuit is a must.

3. Simplify your thinking.

The running dialogue in your head that’s constantly dredging up regrets about the past and spreading anxiety about the future is robbing you of the present. It can be like fog on your path, obscuring the beautiful vistas ahead.  Incorporate mindfulness into your daily routine to keep yourself focused on what you can and will accomplish today. Try meditation, yoga, or deep breathing exercises to root your mind and body in the here and now. Keeping a gratitude journal can also help you appreciate all of the good things in your life instead of dwelling on negative thoughts.

4. Simplify your finances.

 What, ultimately, is your money for?  Truly, the only value of money is in its use.  Think of your finances as a toolkit for your explorations.

 Yes, we all have to pay the bills and provide the essentials for our families. But the way we use our money should also be tied to specific, actionable life goals and upcoming transitions. When we don’t earn, spend, save, and invest on purpose, our money tends to scatter across possessions we don’t really need, subscriptions we don’t really use, debt that we could have avoided, and short-term solutions to problems that will continue to linger in the long run. Vacations get skipped, old cars get older and more unreliable. Then, suddenly, your family has outgrown your home but you can’t afford to move, or your kids are looking at colleges you can’t pay for, or you and your spouse are both wishing you had the means to retire.

 When you eliminate what’s not essential, you’ll have more resources to commit to the people, places, and activities that make you truly happy. You can allocate more resources to experiences that bring joy and excitement. Want to have an authentic conversation about these things that really matter?  Schedule an appointment with us and let’s talk about how our Life-Centered Planning process can simplify complex financial issues and keep you and your money organized so you can pursue your own great adventure now.



What Does Financial Independence Mean to You?

According to a recent poll of 2,000 U.S. adults, “financial independence” equates to earning $94,000 per year, or about $20,000 more than the median income in 2023.

Some folks might feel like they’re just a promotion or two away from achieving that kind of independence. Others might not feel like $94,000 isn’t enough to feel truly free. And still others might wonder how they’d ever spend that much money in the first place.

 That’s because true financial independence isn’t a number. So if it’s not a number, then what is financial independence?   

It’s feeling confident enough in your money to do things that will improve your Return on Life, such as:

1. Spend without worrying

In our experience, it’s true that money can’t buy happiness. But it’s also true that being able to treat yourself and your family without worrying about paying your credit card bill at the end of the month is a pretty great feeling as well.

No matter how much you’re earning, setting a monthly spending budget can help you cover your necessities, contributes to your retirement goals, and have a little fun along the way. A budget can also help you plan ahead for responsible “big ticket” splurges, like a dream vacation or adding a pool to the backyard.

2. Enrich your children

Unless your kids love spending a lot of time at the local library, enrichment isn’t free. According to Lending Tree, parents spent an average of $731 per child per year on extracurriculars. You might spend thousands of dollars every year on a good athlete or ballerina through their teenage years … which is when the bills really start rolling in. The average cost of a year of college for the 2023-24 school year is $10,662 at an in-state public school, and $42,162 at a private school. This is for tuition ONLY…room and board will be in addition, and if you haven’t noticed, rent cost is much higher now than it used to be!

Parents might not feel truly free until they’ve passed that big COLLEGE goal until the last payment has been made. But with that goal in sight, we can help you start planning a combination of savings and investments that will reduce some of the sticker shock when the time comes. And by including some of your children’s activities in your budgeting and long-term plans, you might be able to sign them up for a few extra classes that round out their development or allow them to dig more deeply into their passions.

3. Change careers

Once upon a time, your high school guidance counselor might have challenged you to imagine what you’d do for a job if you didn’t need money. Setting aside your teenage dreams of being a rock singer or astronaut, do you have the means to make that switch right now?

Well, if money isn’t stopping you, then what is?  Is it time to re-train and re-tool for Career 2.0 or 3.0?

Taking a lower-paying job at a company or charitable organization that does work you admire could give you an opportunity to put your professional skills to their highest uses. Rather than trying to climb a ladder or earn a bigger paycheck, you can focus on the mission at hand and the people and causes you’ll be impacting.

4. Retire

Or maybe you’re feeling independent enough to stop working all together.

Folks who plan their retirement around hitting some arbitrary financial number often put off retirement longer than they need to. Remember, financial independence isn’t a number. 

Seeing how your plan can make your retirement possible while also providing for long-term goals like vacationing or relocating could give you the security you need to feel financially independent. Want to discuss this further?  Reach out to me and let’s start planning to earn more Return on Life (ROL) and more freedom from your money.

Q3 Letter To Clients

Do you ever stop to smell the roses, literally?  As we transition from the vibrant days of spring into the warmth of summer, it’s a wonderful time to pause and reflect on the beauty that surrounds us. Whether it’s the blooming gardens, the long sunny days, or the simple pleasure of an evening walk, I encourage you to take a moment to appreciate the small joys of the season.  These have a way of putting the world’s crazy into perspective, which is necessary if we are going to stay happy, healthy individuals for all our days.

Market Overview

So let’s talk a little ‘crazy’…As we enter the third quarter of 2024, we find ourselves in a financial environment marked by both challenges and opportunities. Year to date, it seems that diversification is missing out on huge gains coming from just a few stocks. Not only have many broad markets delivered gains from acceptable to amazing, but there has also been the usual assortment of sizzling stocks like NVIDIA (NVDA), and tantalizing new products like crypto ETFs to distract us with their dazzle.

Strong market performance is welcome news. But at least in the wider investment world, we’re likely to see a different kind of response that isn’t as welcoming: Instead of fleeing the downturns, restless market players may be tempted to chase after speculative trends, no matter how closely they resemble past Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) frenzies.  There’s almost always something alluring and allegedly unprecedented to fuel our FOMO. But before you go all-in on the most recent high-flyers, remember:

The latest innovations are often very real, remarkable, and potentially game-changing forces in our lives. But the manner in which capital markets absorb these forces and convert them into long-term returns is far more constant.

Which reinforces why our own refrain remains the same whether markets are up or down:

Neither hot nor cold streaks among stocks, sectors, or markets give us good reason to abandon an otherwise well-built portfolio.

Staying the Course

It’s natural to feel anxious during periods of uncertainty, but it’s crucial to remember that our financial plan is designed to withstand these fluctuations. History has shown that markets tend to recover and grow over time, despite periodic downturns. Our diversified approach to investing is intended to mitigate risk and provide a stable foundation for your financial future.

This is why we still advise building and maintaining a low-cost, globally diversified investment portfolio aimed at your personal long-term goals. This, despite the cognitive traps laid by the most recent rounds of FOMO. As Nobel laureate Daniel Kahneman reportedly observed quite bluntly:

“If you think you’re an expert on picking stocks, then you should be fabulously rich. If you’re not, you’re probably not.” — Daniel Kahneman

Controlling What You Can

Now on to the ‘happy and healthy’ part…While we cannot control the markets or political developments, we can control how we respond to them. It’s essential to focus on the aspects of life that are within our power to manage. One such area is aligning our lives with our values and priorities. Living according to what truly matters to you can provide a sense of purpose and fulfillment that transcends financial concerns.

One way to foster this alignment is by integrating movement and adventure into your daily routine. Research has consistently shown the profound benefits of physical activity on both physical and mental health. It has become very clear that regular physical activity and engaging in adventurous activities can significantly enhance one’s healthspan—the period of life spent in good health, free from chronic diseases and disabilities.

The Value of Movement and Adventure

Engaging in physical activities, whether it’s trail running, hiking, or simply taking a walk in the park, can have a transformative impact on your overall well-being. Movement not only improves cardiovascular health, strengthens muscles, and boosts energy levels but also reduces stress and enhances mental clarity. Adventure, on the other hand, introduces an element of excitement and novelty that can invigorate the spirit and foster a sense of achievement.

Incorporating movement and adventure into your life doesn’t have to be a grand endeavor. It can be as simple as exploring a new hiking trail, trying a new sport, or setting aside time each day for a brisk walk. The key is to make it a regular part of your routine, allowing it to become a habit that supports your health and happiness.

Embracing Life’s Adventure

Beyond the physical benefits, adventure can also serve as a metaphor for how we approach life’s challenges and opportunities. Embracing adventure means being open to new experiences, taking calculated risks, and stepping out of our comfort zones. It’s about seeing life as a journey filled with possibilities, rather than a series of obstacles to overcome.

As you navigate the complexities of the financial markets and the uncertainties of the world, we encourage you to adopt an adventurous mindset. Approach each day with curiosity and a willingness to explore. Trust in the financial plan we have crafted together, knowing that it is designed to support your long-term goals. And most importantly, prioritize your well-being by staying active and embracing the adventures that life has to offer.

In closing, we want to express our gratitude for your continued trust and partnership.  Let’s make this quarter a time of growth, both financially and personally. Embrace the beauty of the season, stay active, and approach each day with a sense of adventure. By focusing on the aspects of life we can control and maintaining a sense of adventure, we can navigate the uncertainties of the financial world with confidence and resilience. Thank you for allowing us to be part of your journey.

Top Outdoor Gear List for the Everyday Explorer

The Value of Pursuit: Adventure as a Catalyst for Mental, Spiritual, and Relational Growth

In the modern world, where routines dominate our lives and the digital screen often becomes our window to the outside, the pursuit of adventure might seem like a luxury. However, venturing into the unknown, or simply stepping out of our comfort zones, can serve as a powerful catalyst for mental health, spiritual growth, and interpersonal connections. If you have listened to my podcast with Robbie Lenfestey, you will know that I am referring to moving out of your ‘Comfort Zone’ and in to your ‘Growth Zone’.   Like a well-thought-out financial plan, an adventurous spirit not only prepares us for the uncertainties of life but also enriches our existence in profound ways.

But how do you do this in a healthy, thoughtful pursuit?  And what is there really to gain?

Adventure and Mental Health: The Return on Investment

The relationship between adventure and mental health can be likened to the principle of ‘risk and return’ in financial planning. Just as investors accept a certain level of risk to achieve potential gains, individuals can embrace adventure to reap significant psychological rewards. Engaging in new and challenging activities triggers the release of endorphins, the body’s natural mood lifters. This biochemical uptick can combat stress which leads to many more good things down stream.

Moreover, adventure acts as a form of behavioral activation. By pushing ourselves to engage in physical activities, whether it’s hiking up a mountain or kayaking down a river, we may break the cycle of inactivity that often accompanies certain mental health struggles. While there is no silver bullet, the effort invested in such activities can provide a valuable return in the form of improved mental resilience and a more vibrant sense of well-being.

Spiritual Growth: Compounding Interest in Our Inner Lives

You may be asking, ‘What does spiritual growth have to do with Adventure?’  Well, I’m glad you asked!  Spiritual growth through adventure can be viewed through the lens of ‘compounding interest’—a fundamental concept in financial growth. Just as small, regular investments grow over time through the power of compound interest, regular engagement with adventurous activities can lead to profound accumulations in spiritual wisdom and personal insight.

Adventures often place us in situations where we are dwarfed by the vastness of nature or the complexity of different cultures. I love this part!  These experiences can shift our perspective, making us more aware of the larger forces at play in our lives and the universe. And this can, and often does, mean something different to each of us.  Each adventure acts as a deposit into our spiritual bank, where over time, the layers of insight, humility, and connectivity accrue, enhancing our understanding of ourselves and our place in the world.

Building Interpersonal Connections: The Currency of Shared Experiences

This is the part of adventure I really like, even as a committed introvert!  The value of adventure in building and deepening relationships is immense. Shared experiences, especially those that involve overcoming challenges together, can act as a strong social currency. When we venture out with others, be they friends, family, or even strangers, the trials and triumphs experienced together are stored as shared capital. This capital, much like financial savings, can be drawn upon in times of need, providing a relational safety net when necessary.

Interpersonal relationships forged in the heat of shared adventures often exhibit a depth and resilience. They can be robust and capable of withstanding the ups and downs of life. I think this has been 100% for the most meaningful relationships in my life.  Moreover, the memories created become shared assets, cherished, and valued, strengthening bonds, and fostering a sense of community and belonging.

Implementing Adventure in Your Life: Starting Small

Incorporating adventure into one’s life does not necessarily mean scaling Everest (although, for my podcast guest, Kenton Cool, it does mean this!) or sailing solo across the Atlantic. It begins with small steps outside one’s Comfort Zone and into the Growth Zone. This could be as simple as trying a new hobby, traveling to a different part of town, or engaging in a local cultural event.

The pursuit of adventure is more than just an escape from the mundane; it is a strategic investment in our mental, spiritual, and interpersonal health. Each adventure, whether big or small, acts as a deposit in our holistic well-being, yielding returns that enrich our lives immeasurably. Just as wise financial planning ensures economic security and growth, a life planned with regular doses of adventure can move one toward a rich, vibrant, and profound human experience. Embrace the unknown and pursue your great life now!

Giving While Living

If charity is part of your legacy plan, the best time to start giving back could be right now. Spending on other people is one of the most rewarding ways we can use our money. And seeing your generosity in action might give you some ideas on how to improve your legacy planning and Return on Life for your beneficiaries.

Here are three ways you can kickstart your legacy plan and take a more active role in your long-term charitable goals.

Solve a local problem.

The issues in the world are so great right now that many smaller concerns can slip through the cracks. Somewhere in your community right now there is a park in disrepair, a vital organization or program that’s hurting for funds, or a group of people whose needs aren’t being met. You could coordinate with other concerned citizens and local leaders on an action plan or start your own charitable organization that’s focused on filling that void. If your initial efforts fall short, or if solving one problem reveals more issues, you can recalibrate your plans — and your giving strategy — in the service of more permanent solutions. Being a force for positive change in your community might even inspire similar acts of charity and kindness among your neighbors.

Donate your time.

Charities depend on passionate people almost as much as they depend on donations. Whatever your professional background may be, it’s likely that there’s a cause that can benefit from your skills and knowledge during a few weekly volunteer shifts. If you’re also donating to a place where you volunteer, you’ll gain a “behind-the-scenes” perspective on how your money is being spent, and perhaps on ways that the organization could be using its resources more effectively. And if you’re still working full time, volunteering can also be a great glide path during your transition into retirement. As your career begins winding down, you can use your charitable goals to create a new retirement schedule that will keep you active and engaged.

Empower your loved ones.

Depending on the laws in your place of residence and what your giving goals look like, there are many options for distributing your wealth to your heirs. You might consider outright gifts, such as helping with the downpayment on a house or car. If grandchildren are on the way, you might open savings or investment accounts in their names. If you’re considering leaving behind a sizable amount of money to an adult relative, gift them a smaller amount and see how responsibly they manage their “pre-inheritance.” Perhaps your generosity will open up opportunities for you to pass on some of your wisdom around gaining, managing, and growing wealth. Or, you might decide that rather than leaving money to loved ones directly, a family trust might be a more efficient way to preserve your wishes.

You could also establish a family charitable organization and start involving your heirs in its management. Have a family conversation about the causes that are nearest to your heart and how you can use your family’s resources to make a lasting impact. More than just leaving money to your loved ones, you’ll also be leaving them with a real sense of purpose and a deeper understanding of what was really important to you.

Charitable giving of any kind will raise some important financial planning issues, starting with the tax ramifications for you, your estate, and your beneficiaries. Establishing trusts or family charities will require even more complex planning. We can help you clarify your charitable goals so that we can work together on the best strategies for preserving your legacy.


Q2 Letter To Clients

Market Summary: A Look Back at the Last Quarter


As we wrap up another quarter, it’s essential to reflect on the stock market’s performance and how it has impacted our investment strategies. The last three months have been a period of moderate volatility, influenced by various global economic factors, including adjustments in monetary policies by central banks, geopolitical tensions, and ongoing adjustments to the post-pandemic economic recovery. Despite these challenges, certain sectors have shown resilience and even growth, presenting new opportunities for diversified portfolios. As always, our focus remains more on making sure your financial plan stays on track rather than focusing on short term market movements.


The Upcoming Tax Deadline: Act Now


With the tax filing deadline swiftly approaching, we want to remind everyone of the importance of either filing your tax return or securing an extension on time. This year, the deadline for submitting your taxes is April 15. Early preparation can not only save you from last-minute stress but also provide ample time to explore potential tax-saving strategies. Our team is ready to assist with any questions or concerns you may have about your tax situation. Remember, being proactive with your taxes is not just about meeting deadlines; it’s about optimizing your financial health.


Spring Into Nature: The Adventure Awaits


As financial planners, we often emphasize the health of your investments and financial well-being. However, your personal health and happiness are just as crucial. This spring, we encourage you to be intentional about spending time in nature. Immersing yourself in the great outdoors is not only refreshing but is also a fantastic way to recharge your mental and emotional batteries. When planning your adventure, consider three key components: preparation, presence, and preservation.

  • Preparation involves choosing the right gear and understanding the environment you’ll be exploring.
  • Presence is about fully experiencing the moment, whether it’s a quiet walk through the woods or a challenging hike up a mountain.
  • Preservation means respecting the natural beauty around you, ensuring it remains untouched for future adventurers. Let’s embrace the spring season with a sense of adventure and a commitment to our well-being.

I also want to make a point to highlight our recent office move.  You can find our team at 7500 Six Forks Rd, Suite 100, Raleigh, NC 27615.  Thankfully, we didn’t have to go far as we are just across the street from our old address.

As we move forward, let’s remember that our financial goals are not just about numbers on a page; they’re about enabling the life we want to lead and the adventures we wish to embark upon. Our team is here to support you in all aspects of your financial journey, from navigating market trends to planning your next nature getaway. Here’s to a prosperous and adventure-filled spring!


What To Teach Your Kids (and Adults) About Investing

Providing for your children’s education is an important part of your financial plan. But, for the most part, that education won’t teach your children very much about basic financial literacy. The money lessons that kids learn from their parents can help to fill that gap and instill habits that will improve their Return on Life.


You can teach these three simple financial lessons to your kids with activities that illustrate the basics of financial planning.  And remember the quip, ‘Everything I need to know, I learned in Kindergarten’?  Same goes for the principals of good financial planning, so these lessons are still good for us adults to hear regularly as well.


  1. “Pay yourself first.”


Many families have a rule that X percent of any money a child earns for chores or receives as a gift has to go into a custodial account. This is a good way of helping kids understand the importance of investing in their futures.


However, many parents don’t take the essential next step of showing kids how their savings have grown over time. This can create awkward feelings around money and make it hard for kids to appreciate the end result of their responsible behavior. Just updating a simple spreadsheet together after a big birthday deposit can give kids a greater sense of control and deeper feelings of satisfaction around how they’re handling their money.


  1. “Money makes money.”


Your kids have probably learned about Ben Franklin flying a kite in a lightning storm. You can teach them Franklin’s lesson about the magic of compound interest: “Money makes money. And the money that money makes, makes money.”


Thanks to higher-than-usual interest rates, your child’s custodial savings account might be providing a good lesson on compounding right now. It’s also a great time to shop around for a new savings account as many banks are offering higher rates to entice new customers — especially online.


Most financial institutions also allow parents to open custodial brokerage accounts for their children, which can be another option for those special self-payments. Some brokerages also sell shares of companies that kids will recognize, like Disney, as a physical framed certificate. These gifts can help kids connect how they spend their time and money with an understanding of how the stock market creates and compounds wealth for shareholders.


Again, check in on these accounts every month or every quarter and show your child how their money is doing. Down periods are an opportunity to introduce the concept of volatility. Even modest losses might sting at first. But seeing their ROI move up and down over the course of a year will eventually help your kids get comfortable with managed risk. And if they start eying their toy shelf for other companies they might want to invest in, you can start talking to them about the power of diversification.


  1. “Plan ahead.”


Kids often think money works like a vending machine: swipe, tap, punch in some numbers, and what they want magically appears. Instant gratification is such a basic part of their lives that they rarely stop to think about where money comes from or how adults manage it to fulfill so many different needs. They see the end result, but not the plan.


Reviewing your monthly budget probably won’t hold your kids’ attention for very long. Instead, create new budgets that provide for both short-term and long-term goals that will interest your kids. Break down the cost of a new bike or video game over a couple weeks of allowance money. Or, show them your saving plan towards a big family vacation to illustrate how your financial plan provides for current needs while also progressing towards bigger goals.

We are always happy to help our clients have life-centered planning conversations with their children, especially older teens who are starting to earn their own money. Give us a call and let’s start your kids on a path towards a healthy relationship with their money.


February Market Update

For the investor looking for market details and explanations, this February Market Update article is for you.  Broad market index and tech stock investors were in command throughout January, even as the month ended with a Federal Reserve (Fed) meeting taming some potentially over-enthusiastic March rate cut bulls. 


With the tech and major market index rally continuing its run since November, I thought now would be a good time to inform you of the latest developments set to impact Americans in the months ahead. 


Major Stock Indexes


January was good for long-term investors in U.S. stocks, especially in large tech with AI exposure.  If you haven’t heard of Nvidia before, you will from now on.  Market bulls (ie, investors expecting the market to continue its run upward) were cheering the prospects of a more accommodating Fed in 2024, with the rate decision and Fed statement happening on the last day of the month. 


For the month of January, the S&P 500 added 1.59%, the Nasdaq 100 tacked on 1.82%, and the Dow Jones Industrial Average rose by 1.22%.


Mixed/Slowing Inflation Signals


The overall trend for inflation was mixed in January, even as Consumer Price Index (CPI) data came in a bit hot.


CPI: The December Consumer Price Index showed a 0.3% monthly increase in December and a 3.4% increase versus one year ago. Estimates were for a 0.2% monthly gain in December and a 3.2% gain year-over-year. Shelter and services pricing remained sticky.


PPI: For December, the Producer Price Index report came in below expectations, indicating mixed signals on the inflation front.


According to the report, wholesale prices declined by 0.1% month-over-month in December, lower than the expected gain of 0.1% estimated by Dow Jones economists.


PCE: According to the most recent Core Personal Consumption Expenditures (PCE) release, the rate of price increases slowed down as 2023 came to a close. 


The Fed’s preferred inflation indicator showed that prices were higher by 0.2% month-over-month in December and by 2.9% year-over-year. Dow Jones economists had expected respective increases of 0.2% and 3%. However, digging a little deeper and looking at the three and six-month averages of Core PCE on an annualized basis, we see it running under 2% (note: the Fed’s Target is 2%). This data, noted by former Vice Chair of the Federal Reserve Lael Brainard and provided by the Bureau of Economic Analysis, has inflation watchers cheering the current market environment.


Fed Put?


In plain English, a “Fed put” means that the Fed is standing by to change policy if needed, should the equity markets experience declines.  At present, it feels like there are the makings of a Fed put under the market. If storm clouds arise, the market is expecting the Fed to “come to the rescue” with rate cuts in 2024 if needed.  The market was expecting six rate cuts in 2024 before the January Fed meeting, even though the economy has been performing well as of late. This outlook is not the norm. Historically, rate cuts are seen in struggling or downtrodden economies that need stimulation.  The January Fed meeting tempered expectations for a March rate cut, with probabilities declining from 50% to 35.5% on January 31. However, it is still early in this election year, so pay attention.


This idea of a Fed put is a concept, not a guarantee, and seemed to be on the mind of many market participants at the start of February, indicating that the collective market mindset could be that any pullbacks may be short-lived.


Treasury Yields Steady in January


The widely monitored 10-year Treasury note yield was close to unchanged for the month of January, closing the month near 3.966% — about 10 basis points higher than December’s closing level near 3.865%.  This is the yield most closely tied to the movement of mortgage rates, so it is watched closely.  January marks two consecutive monthly closes below 4.00% in the 10-year yield.  The steadiness in rates is good news for sidelined prospective mortgage borrowers and great news for long-term investors in U.S. equities.


Fed Rate Decision


The last day of January gave us the first Fed meeting of 2024, as the Fed left interest rates unchanged in line with market expectations.  There were some changes to the Fed’s statement, however, as Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell seemed to want to tame the market’s excitement for a March rate cut.  “I don’t think it’s likely that the committee will reach a level of confidence by the time of the March meeting to cut rates,” Powell said.  The verbal statement indicating that a March rate cut is not likely poured some water on the fire of potentially overly enthusiastic stock market bulls as the major averages pulled back during and after Powell’s commentary.  Powell did signal rate cuts at some point in 2024, however.  “It will likely be appropriate to begin dialing back policy restraint at some point this year,” said Powell.


Pretty vague, huh?  Fed-speak is one of the hardest languages to learn!


Consumer & Employment Strong


Consumer health metrics remained strong during January, even as many analysts expect the consumer to “tap out”.  At the same time, labor market data exceeded expectations for December, showing 216,000 jobs created. Government jobs and health-care-related fields led the way.


Starting the month of February, the latest employment report blew away all expectations, showing 353,000 jobs created in January versus 185,000 estimates by Dow Jones. The labor market continues to surprise to the upside, and the market reaction was an interesting one.


January Labor Data Market Reaction


While the massively better-than-expected January jobs data indicates a stronger economy, it also shows that the economy may still be running hotter than the Fed wants to see. This reinforces the logical probability that a March rate cut could be off the table.


Major U.S. stock indexes didn’t seem to mind, though, as they cheered the data by trading to the upside on the day of. The jobs report was released the morning after positive earnings results from Meta (Facebook), Microsoft, and Amazon. So, perhaps this earnings effect outshined the March rate cut odds everyone seemed to be so fixated upon just a day before.


The probability for a March 25-basis-point cut was all over the place at the end of January and beginning of February, resting at a 20% chance on February 1 after sitting at a 46.2% chance on January 26th, according to the CME FedWatch Tool.


Is the economy still too hot? What do the continuing and massive upside surprises in the job market mean for inflation?  This is interesting data for short term speculation, but as you have heard many times in the past, short term data is not very helpful in making long term decisions with your investments.  Pay attention to these data points, if you find it interesting, but don’t let any of it sway you from your financial planning course.